Wood Care
When dealing with natural, solid wood it is important to look after your furniture well. Proper care will help to retain its beauty for many years.
Monkey Pod wood is used to make our hand crafted stools and tables. It is a durable and naturally resinous hardwood that is harvested from fast-growing Acacia trees.
Here are some tips on how to care for your furniture:
3. Treat monkey pod wood furniture with a wood preservative or furniture wax to seal the wood after cleaning, or as needed, to restore its shine. For best results, use wood preservative or furniture wax products according to package directions.
Tip: Little ones like to colour and draw everywhere - especially furniture! If you keep your furniture waxed regularly (every month or so) and let kids colour with wax crayons, then any little marks should easily be removed with warm soapy water and a soft cloth.
Please note, with changing temperatures natural wood is prone to expansion and contraction, which can often lead to small cracks, wobbles or separation in joints. This is all perfectly normal and should barely be noticeable. After all, it all adds to the rustic charm of hand crafted pieces.